Category Archives: baby

Breastfeeding Dilemma

There seems to be common misconception about what breasts are supposed to do. As sexualized as they have become in modern times it is no wonder that a lot of women are confused as to their intended purpose, which is to feed babies.
Yes, breasts are sexy, and depending on preference, the larger the better. However, did anyone stop to think why large breasts are deemed so desirable? Because they imply fertility and large stores of milk once the baby arrives.
I know that some women cannot breastfeed due to not producing enough milk. Or they have some other physical reasons for being unable to. These are not the women I am thinking of for this article.
I do not understand why so many women are completely freaked out by the prospect of breastfeeding. I understand it is a strange sensation. Having done it for two kids now, I have to say it is not like anything I have ever felt, and frankly cannot describe it.
Some women I know cannot handle this sensation, and they choose to pump and feed their children expressed milk. At least these babies are still receiving breast milk. Then there are the women who chose not to do this, and their babies get only formula. That is their choice, and I will not judge.
However, there are women who think breastfeeding is wrong because breasts are sexual organs and it disturbs them to think of babies feeding from them. These are the ones I have a problem with. Let me reiterate that there were two other sexual organs involved in producing the baby, so really, it is not too far fetched that a third should be feeding him. I am not sure when society started sexualizing breasts to the point where they are no longer seen for their natural intended purpose.
How do you feel about it?

Dealing With Colic

Ever since my son was born, the C word loomed in the back of my mind, and we were all too terrified to breathe it. After having my daughter, who turned out to be a complete little angel, I was sure I would be paying for it with my son. There was no way I could get away with having two little blessings who hardly ever cried, and were content practically all the time, sleeping through the night at merely a few months of age.
I had heard all the stories about children with colic. I have friends who suffered through months of prolonged, unabated crying. These babies were inconsolable. For me the worst part is not the crying in itself, but the pang a mother feels when she sees her little one so distressed and cannot do anything to soothe them. This was my biggest fear.
All the books say that colic usually commences around the third week, and I waited, practically holding my breath when the time came. Last night, as my son turned six weeks, I exhaled. He certainly cries more than my daughter ever did, but it is a far cry from colic.
For all those parents out there who are not so lucky, hang in there. You are doing great, and it will pass. I know that is easy for me to say, not having gone through it, but having witnessed it with others, I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, even if you cannot see it yet.
Did your baby have colic? What did you do?

Kudos To Breastfeeding Moms!

Breastfeeding is hard. In honor of World Breastfeeding Day, I want to congratulate al the mothers who are breastfeeding. Now, please don’t misconstrue this as a rant against formula feeding.
I am currently breastfeeding my son, but he is also getting formula on the side (only a few ounces a day, but sometimes my supply does not meet his demand). When I had my daughter last year I was under the impression that she would have nothing but breast milk for the first year of life. We had to start supplementing a few months after birth, and then when she was about four months old, I ran completely dry.
This time around I am far more accepting of formula early on (my son is only 10 days old at this point). Also, I realize that circumstances can make it difficult to solely breastfeed. I will be going back to work next month, and I know that this will greatly contribute to my lack of milk, just like last time. However, looking into it more and more I realize formula is not the end of the world. In this day and age they make very good formula, and I trust brands like Gerber and Enfamil to feed my baby.
But I still have to give kudos to those mothers who do it all the way! I know it is hard, and I know it doesn’t always work out, even with the best intentions, so be proud of the wonderful thing you are doing!