Category Archives: baby

Casey Anthony, Please Don’t Have Another Child

In the wake of the Casey Anthony trial, despite my outrage at the verdict, and my disgust at her actions, I also feel horrified at the notion that she can in fact have more kids. She is only 25 and has many child baring years ahead of her. What if she concedes to reproduce again?

I know abortion is a touchy subject, and an entire argument onto itself, but in her case, I would definitely be pro choice. I would rather she terminate within a few months of finding out she is pregnant than perhaps chose to terminate when the child is his first years of life. Yes, I am basing this on the assumption that she murdered her daughter.

For those who believe she is innocent of murder or manslaughter, it is indisputable that she in the least negligent. To extrapolate some key findings of this case, she did not know where her child was for an entire month. If I did not know where my daughter was for even a few minutes I would begin poking around looking for her in the other rooms. My daughter is the same age as Anthony’s daughter, so this case had a very sever effect on me. If this was my daughter nowhere to be found, and in harm’s way, I would be enraged, doing everything possible to find her. I would not be out partying only a few days after she was suspected to be missing.

I just cannot get past how a missing child was overlooked. If I had as much as a fish tank and one of the goldfish was not there for even a day, I would notice. A small child is far louder, and demands a lot more attention than a fish, or even any other pet. In my opinion, if Casey Anthony wants to raise something in the future, she should stick to houseplants. When her fern dies at least no one will be surprised.

But there is still that nagging voice in the back of my head that tells me there is nothing anyone can do to stop this woman if she did chose to have another child. Clearly she does not make the best decisions and cannot seem to cope with the outcomes. Will she give motherhood another try only to once again regret it? And how much will that child suffer once she once again figures out that, yes, children do interfere with your partying, drinking, and general mayhem. If something were to happen to that child will she finally get her due punishment?

I Could Never Name My Kid That!

Naming your baby is difficult. My husband and I deliberated for a long time with naming both our children, and performed numerous searches. I often times found myself reading articles about how other parents name their kids in the hopes of being inspired.

There were a lot of articles that advocated waiting until you meet your baby before naming them. Thinking back on everything which went through my head when I met my daughter, that approach would have gotten her stuck with a name like “Scrunchie” or “Fronky” or any other cutsie name my husband and/or I came up with. Currently our daughter is “Munchie” short for Munchkin, and our son is “Fronky” a split between mommy’s little froggy and daddy’s little monkey. I would never in a million years consider actually legally naming my children either of these names. Unless I was just coming off of the epidural, hopped up on pain meds, and my husband is too ecstatic to notice me signing any paperwork.

Is this why we have so many strangely named children? Did the parents wait until they got to see their baby and then blurt out “Squishy” in a rush of adrenaline and excitement, forever maiming, um, I mean naming their child an odd adjective used to describe them in their first hours after birth?

Naming a child is a hard decision to make. Especially when you have two people trying to compromise on the “perfect name.” I just cannot see the several months process condensed into a mere few hours.

How did you come up with your child’s name?

4 Things Every Pregnant Woman Needs

I am nine months pregnant, and technically I can give birth any day now (even though my due date isn’t for another couple of weeks). I just convinced my husband I need a pedicure by telling him the baby won’t come out unless my toes look good, or something like that. I don’t think he believed me, but at this point he knows better than to argue with a pregnant woman about her feet. Either that or he just doesn’t care whether I get a pedicure or not.

There are certain things that pregnant women indisputably need. These things are crucial to our welfare, and deprivation will make the unborn babies inside of us very angry, and potentially turn into zombies. Maybe.


We ache from head to toe. Our backs hurt. Our feet are swollen. Muscles we didn’t even know we had are now causing us problems. There is also pregnancy carpel tunnel to contend with. Not that we don’t enjoy spa treatments on a regular basis, but now massages have become an absolute necessity. I am sure my doctor could write me a note for this.

Hair Treatments

When you are pregnant all the hormones cause your hair to be thicker. You have this luscious mane atop your head. So basically you have a lot more hair to deal with and manage. A lot of hair dye doesn’t work well with pregnant women, but that doesn’t stop us from haircuts and styling sessions. Think of all the money we are saving by not shoe shopping for nine months since our feet are now comparable to Big Foot.


I am not talking about eating everything in sight and then using the excuse that your five pound baby required all of that. Because, really, who would use their unborn child as an excuse like that? However, a few snacks throughout the day can keep a pregnant woman very happy. The baby won’t complain too much either. Unless you are snacking on foods your baby doesn’t like. In which case he will kick you. Hard. Repeatedly. For extended periods of time.


Whether it is a funny movie, stand-up comedy, or an online comic, laughing will make you feel better. And your baby will bounce too. Which may possibly hurt, but you will be too amused to notice.

What are some things that got you through pregnancy?