Category Archives: bieber

Common Sense Folks

I just spent the last two days in a self induced chocolate coma. However, I doubt that will make headlines any time soon. But what did make headlines was Mariah Yeater’s allegation that Justin Bieber got her pregnant.
Now, we can’t blame her completely. I mean, I would love to go around alleging that Justin Bieber was Ducky’s daddy. Not because I have any sort of affinity for the man, but because the payday would be awesome and my hubby and I would be laughing all the way to the bank. Unfortunately, there is this thing called a paternity test that could be used to disprove the story in less than 2.39 seconds. So common sense dictates that I should probably not do that.
Now Mariah may not be the smartest bumble bee out there. But did she not run the story past some close friends or maybe even family? Did no one else try to tell her about the awesome technology using DNA? A mother can in fact refuse to have a paternity test or DNA test her kid. But that usually comes off as suspicious. What are you hiding? Oh yeah, that you are a liar.