Category Archives: congratulations

Kudos To Breastfeeding Moms!

Breastfeeding is hard. In honor of World Breastfeeding Day, I want to congratulate al the mothers who are breastfeeding. Now, please don’t misconstrue this as a rant against formula feeding.
I am currently breastfeeding my son, but he is also getting formula on the side (only a few ounces a day, but sometimes my supply does not meet his demand). When I had my daughter last year I was under the impression that she would have nothing but breast milk for the first year of life. We had to start supplementing a few months after birth, and then when she was about four months old, I ran completely dry.
This time around I am far more accepting of formula early on (my son is only 10 days old at this point). Also, I realize that circumstances can make it difficult to solely breastfeed. I will be going back to work next month, and I know that this will greatly contribute to my lack of milk, just like last time. However, looking into it more and more I realize formula is not the end of the world. In this day and age they make very good formula, and I trust brands like Gerber and Enfamil to feed my baby.
But I still have to give kudos to those mothers who do it all the way! I know it is hard, and I know it doesn’t always work out, even with the best intentions, so be proud of the wonderful thing you are doing!