Category Archives: doula

40 Weeks of Pregnancy – Week 32

Welcome back to Week 32 of my week by week pregnancy guide. If you are new and want to catch up, scroll to the bottom.
Week 32
Your baby is now breathing, and suckling and doing all sorts of other cute things. I am sure this is not medical terminology, and I am sure your doctor will have more information for you, especially since around now you are going to start seeing your doctor every two weeks or so.
With Munchie around this time I was diagnosed with mild preeclampsia. Mildly, it is nothing to really worry about, but if you get a severe case of it you may be put on bed rest, or have an emergency c-section. If you have it, your doctor will tell you what you need to do.
As you are looking into different methods of childbirth, you have probably heard about Lamaze, a breathing technique most people have heard of. But there is also the Bradley Method, similar to Lamaze that is also worth trying. I looked into both, but honestly, I didn’t use either. Mainly because when it came to actually giving birth I was too busy hyperventilating to remember anything.
When considering where you want to give birth you may also be thinking about who you want to deliver your baby. I went the traditional route at a hospital with my doctor. But I have also heard of some people who have used a Doula, and have had great success. Look into and see if it is something that may interest you.
What have you been considering?
If you want to catch up…  

Week 15 

Week 23