Category Archives: grove

Sunday Afternoon

My mom and I took the kids to the Farmer’s Market at the Grove. It was a beautiful day, and the kids had a lot of fun.They loved the little fountain area.

I couldn’t get any close ups of Ducky with his eyes open.

I have a lot of pictures of the kids. I have plenty of pictures of myself. But I don’t have very many of myself *with* the kids. This is probably because I am usually the one taking the pictures. Ally wasn’t really into being photographed today, but I had my mom there to take the shots, so I snatched her up for a quick photo op.

My mother is even more technologically impaired than I am, so even though she was only a few feet away from me as she snapped all of the pictures, they all appear as if they were taken from afar.

We went into a few of the stores, but the kids weren’t too interested in shopping. We had lunch at the Marmalade Cafe, one of my favorite breakfast/brunch/lunch places. Stuffed waffles. Like stuffed French toast, except way better. Before we headed out I took the kids on the little trolley they have circling the Grove. They loved it and I took a very cute picture of them squealing in delight. Unfortunately my phone decided this picture shouldn’t exist.
On the way home I got a flat tire. When the man from AAA arrived he had all sorts of questions, I pointed and shrugged. He also tried to tell me something about my alignment thingiemabopper. I pointed and shrugged.
Tomorrow morning I am going to see the tire man. I am probably going to point and shrug a lot there too. Then my car will have new tires.