Category Archives: jelly beans

Easter Is Over… Now What?

Easter is over, but if you are like me, you have tons of candy left over. What do you do with all of it?
The chocolate candy will last for a little while, so I just left mine out in little bowls to grab at throughout the next few weeks. But you can cut use yours in a lot of different ways. You can add it to pan cakes, melt the chocolate eggs and peeps to make s’mores. Or you can make some yummy brownies and use the chocolate eggs for an added chocolate oomph.
Peeps also make great art projects. You can see some of the contests herefor inspiration. This is a great activity to do with the kids.
Now there are the jelly beans. Those are harder to dispose of, but still very yummy. If you like sweet wine, drop a few jelly beans into your glass of white wine, and enjoy. You can also use them as decorations for other sweet treats. As you all know, I love making cup cakes, and now is a perfect time to make some and use the jelly beans as toppers instead of frosting. Just pile them on, and voila! Easy, fun and not to mention colorful, cupcakes. Delicious too! That is another adjective I meant to get in there.
Aside from decorations, you can use them inside a cake as well. Bake a white cake with jelly beans inside. It will make a beautiful and yummy cake to welcome spring.
You can also take a few and go out side with the kids and plant jelly beans for next Easter. It is a fun activity for the kids, and it is a few more pieces of candy they won’t eat.
Has anyone tried freezing jelly beans for later use? How did that turn out?