Category Archives: kids

Llama Llama Red Pajama

It starts with “Llama, llama, red pajama…” as I recite the entire book from memory. For Christmas one of the kids received Llama Llama Red Pajama. I am pretty sure it was a present for Ducky, but Munchie loves it so much it currently ranks as her favorite book (not that Ducky doesn’t love it too, but he is just too young to show that type of enthusiasm). Which means we read it multiple times a day. Last Sunday between hubby and me, I think the book got read over a dozen times.
“Llama! Llama!” she yells out randomly, requesting the story begin. I immediately launch into my recitation. But it is not enough. She wants the accompanying pictures. So I flip through the book with her. We reach the end. “Llama!” And it begins again.
But I have to admit. I love this book as much as she does. Well, maybe not as much, but it quickly became one of my favorite children’s books. It is not only catchy, but also very cute. The pictures are well done, and the end makes me chuckle.
Sometimes hubby and I sing the book to her since the beat makes it easy to convert to song. My favorite part however? Munchie is learning so many new words from it!

There is Something About Elmo…

There is something about Elmo. And not in the Cameron/Mary way. This is probably the conversation they had when creating Elmo. Don’t ask me who “they” are. That is not important.
“Let’s create a TV character that will generate lots and lots of toy sales and make him more annoying than anything else ever before invented. “
“Like this?” the second guy asks holding the most annoying thing/creature imaginable.
“No! Even more annoying!”
And that is how the furry red creature we all know and hate, er, I mean love, came about. Which is fine and dandy, but then you have to consider that not only was he invented, kids everywhere love him. My daughter adores Elmo. This is a conversation she had with my mom the other day:
Munchie: Go! (this is what she says when she wants to be left alone)
Mom: Well if I go, who will take care of you?
Munchie: Elmo!
Elmo has taken over our house. He is all she asks for. He is the one she looks for. Forget that mommy has been at work all day. No “where’s mommy?” but “ELMO!” every evening before dinner, during bath time, before bed, during bed time, and probably in her sleep too.
If it were up to her, I would be replaced by a giant red creature. And now that I just wrote this, I am beginning to see the similarities. I mean, I am huge compared to my itsy bitsy twenty one months old daughter. I have red hair.
Oh my God! My daughter thinks I am Elmo! I am flattered? I think?
What do you think?

8 Tips For Buying Kids’ Beds

We have recently had to purchase a bed for our children. Actually, we only needed to purchase a bed for Munchie so Ducky would inherit the larger crib. We ended up getting bunk beds, so when Ducky will be ready for a big boy bed we will be all set.
Bed shopping was a lot more difficult than you would think. I had no idea what we were getting into. Yet we not only ended up with an awesome bed, but we learned a lot in the process.
1.       Skip the toddler bed. You will only be using it for a small amount of time, and then you will need another bed. Spring straight for the big girl/boy bed (a twin or bigger), and your little one can use it all the way until they go off to college (I ended up having the same bed for almost twenty years with only a mattress change, and I am hoping for the same for my kids).
2.       Price is important, but not everything. Keep in mind, a sturdy bed along with a sturdy mattress is an investment. You child can have this bed for a very long time. The better the quality, the longer it can be used, which translates into money saved in the long run.
3.       Pink beds, car beds, Barbie beds, whatever, are all very cute. How cute will they be when your kid is a teenager? If you really feel the need to make it cutesy, buy some decorative/themed bed linens.
4.       If you have multiple small children, a bunk bed might be the way to go. It can be a space saver, and a money saver. A bunk bed will usually cost less than two individual beds.
5.       When purchasing a bunk bed get the kind that can be taken apart and configured into two individual beds. This will give you more options, especially once the kids get older and may end up in two different rooms (regardless of gender).
6.       Bunkee Boards are not optional. They are sold as optional pieces when buying a bunk bed, but they are essential in making sure your bed does not break. Most bunk beds are laid out on slats. These slats are meant to support the mattress and hold the bed together. However, if your child bounces on the bed or throws themselves onto the bed, the slats will break. And that will cost you more than the original bunkee board. If the place where you purchase your bed does not offer them (which is very odd), most mattress stores will carry them.
7.       Just like the bed, the mattress is an investment. This does not mean you want to get your kid a temperpedic, but don’t just buy the cheapest they offer. A few extra dollars can extend the life of your mattress several years.
8.       If you think your kid may not be ready for a big bed because you fear they will fall out while sleeping, you can get some guard rails to mount on the side of the bed. They are fairly inexpensive, and completely secure.