Category Archives: kids

42 Boring Things About Me

Aunt Becky from Mommy Wants Vodka did this, and I thought it was pretty cool. Except I can’t come up with 100 things, so here are 42. And apparently I can’t count either (keep reading and you will understand).

1.       I have two kids.
2.       I am married.
3.       I am crazy clean, meaning I clean like crazy. It is like anorexia, except with dirt instead of food, but the control issues are still there.
4.       This is a conversation I had with my husband the other night after I got our son to bed:
Me: “I hope he stays down.”
Hubby: “How long?”
Me: “Until tomorrow…”
Hubby: “Why?”
Me: “Um… why do I want our son to sleep through the night? Are you seriously asking me this?”
5.       I was a blond for many, many years. I was a brunette for about five seconds before I realized it really does not suit my complexion. I am/have been a red head for about four years. I love red the best.
6.       But I will always be a blond at heart.
7.       I love blogging.
8.       I get blogger’s block.
9.       Then I read other amazing blogs, and I get inspired.
10.   I love reading bloggers who are a billion times better than me… it gives me something to aspire to.
11.   I cannot live without coffee. If you saw me in the morning, you would totally understand what I mean.
12.   I enjoy being pregnant.
13.   I have a lot of friends. I am still not sure how that happened.
14.   I love grocery shopping. Don’t ask.
15.   Sometimes I write blog posts and I delete them because I realize they suck and no one wants to read them. This one can probably make that list.
16.   I will write for money. Just ask.
17.   I don’t really understand how social networking works, but apparently I am good at it. Huh?
18.   Almond milk kind of creeps me out. I have this visual of an almond getting milked…
19.   I have a favorite child. I am not telling anyone which one.
20.   I love pink. But my favorite color is burgundy.
21.   I secretly want to quit my day job and become a wedding planner.
22.   I love baby showers.
23.   I love planning baby showers.
24.   I like to watch Jeopardy and play along.
25.   I am completely addicted to trail mix.
26.   I love decorating cup cakes.
27.   I am terrible at decorating cup cakes, but it doesn’t mean I will stop.
28.   I have a ridiculous amount of shoes. Think about the most shoes you have seen in one room aside from a store. Yeah, I have more than that.
29.   I love big, gaudy jewelry. I know it is tacky. I know it is loud. I love it.
30.   I am about as subtle as a train wreck.
31.   I like nice cars.
32.   I am still afraid of the dark.
33.   One of my favorite places in the world is Stockholm. I have never been there.
34.   The only thing I liked about high school was the grades I got.
35.   I am short, so those high heels I wear are totally necessary.
36.   My husband has a thing for short women. I think.
37.   I like to get all done up, dressed up, etc. and then go to Starbucks or the local grocery store.
38.   This has been the most difficult post I have written in a long time.
39.   I try to be funny, but a lot of people don’t get my sarcasm.
40.   People take me seriously. I am not sure why.
41.   Google is mad at me because other people took me seriously.
42.   Ending sentences in prepositions is where it’s at.
43.   Sometimes I amuse myself, and no one else. And that is okay.44.   I love ellipses…
45.   I meant to write only 42 things because 42 is my favorite number.
46.   I guess you get four bonus boring facts!

Things That Happened Last Week

Even though I have been on vacation for almost two weeks, I was still able to be productive. Sort of. Here is a list of stuff I managed to get done.

6 Christmases (yes, I know, Christmas is over, but it was quite hectic)

Human Mommy

Sour Grapes

Cool Stuff I Pinned

Also, as an aside, I read this amazing, inspirational, beautiful article today, and I wanted to share it with you all. It can make a difference, and save lives. No, really, I am not being my usual, sarcastic self. Read it, pass it on, save it. Until next time, have a wonderful day.

New Year Resolutions

First of all, happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had an amazing New Year celebration, and came up with some wonderful resolutions. If so, I would love to hear about it, so feel free to comment below.

Like everyone else, I too have New Year resolutions. What better way to really stick to them than to make them public? Hopefully sharing these with all of you will add some incentive to really keep them up. Accountability is a wonderful thing.

1. Spend more time with my kids. Find time. Make time. Doesn’t matter how, just do it. Yes, I know, writing about spending time with my kids is completely counter intuitive since I am currently detracting from the time spent with them.

2. Gain some weight. I am currently severely under weight, and I have been trying all sorts of remedies, including eating like crazy over the holidays. Somehow I managed to lose more weight in the process. So this one will be a tough one, but I have faith in myself.

3. Working harder on my blog. This one benefits my readers as much as myself, and you can all look forward to more frequent, and useful posts this coming year!

4. Shedding the guilt. I have guilt issues. Whenever I take time for myself, even for things which are necessary, I feel guilty. You may think this is in opposition to the first resolution I have on here, but I strongly believe being able to enjoy the time I have to myself will enrich the time I spend with my kids. A sane mommy makes for a good mommy.

5. Update my wardrobe. Sometimes I look like I belong in the eighties. I really need to work on that. No, I am not using this as an excuse to go on a shopping spree. I swear.

6. Have a great year. Stuff happens. Good stuff. Bad stuff. And everything in between. However, every experience is relative. It can be good or bad depending on what you make of it.

Again, Happy New Years Everyone!

Share with everyone what you did last night below.