Category Archives: kitty

What Are You Doing Courtney Stodden? – A Video of Sorts

I have no idea what to maker of this. My fascination with the woman had me looking her up again. I found the video and pressed play. then I pressed play again. And again. And again. I am so confused I replayed it multiple times trying to make sense of what she is doing. I still have no clue. Maybe you can help.This is a cross between Hello Kitty, and as Perez Hilton stated, or better yet insinuated, a demented version of Cat Woman. Long after she lost her mind.

Courtney, for the love of God, explain yourself.

And don’t eat cat food, it causes bad breath.

Ally Cat Strikes Again

I am taking my daughter trick or treating for the first time tonight. I am super excited. Probably more than she is. In fact, considering she is only nineteen months old, there is a pretty good chance she is not very excited at all since she does not know what Halloween is really. I have tried explaining it to her, but I might as well tried explaining nuclear fission (which I didn’t because I only understand about half of that myself).
She is going to be a kitty again. The costume was adorable on her last year, but she was too young to really be shown off, so we are doing it again. Hopefully.
I say hopefully for a few reasons. First, she has stranger anxiety. It takes her fifteen to twenty minutes to warm up to people, which is not really conducive to trick or treating that is more like candy hit and run. Can you imagine spending close to half an hour at each house?
Second, I got a call from day care earlier today. She is not feeling well. My husband left work early to pick her up, and we are investigating the severity of it. If she is really not feeling well, then we have to call it a night and Munchie will get some TLC while recuperating.
I am hoping for the best.  In the meantime, I really look forward to seeing all the neat Halloween costumes others will be wearing. Candy at our house!
Are you and/or your kids dressing up tonight? I want to hear about it!
P.S. That is really a picture of my daughter last year.

Why My Children’s Goldfish Scares Me

I have to confess, I am terrible at keeping things alive. Since I have two small children, I know this may sound scary, but I assure you, I am great with the kids. Plants and high maintenance pets on the other hand are a completely different story.
I once had a fern. It died. Ferns are supposed to be super easy to maintain and extremely durable. I inadvertently killed a cactus. They don’t even require water! People give me plants as gifts a lot. Despite my best efforts they never make it more than a week.
So, one day, not long from now, when one of my kids brings home a pet, unless it is a kitty or a puppy, I am terrified of the outcome. I can just see the tears and screaming when their goldfish, which they so carefully named, and loved, goes missing. How many times am I going to have to replace it in the middle of the night? How similar do hamster look? Will they know Buttons is an imposter?
Aside from cats and dogs (of which I have my share), pets can be a lot of maintenance. And even though I know my kids will absolutely promise to take care of them, I know from experience that the duty will fall to the parents. Which is why I pray my husband’s green thumb translates into a purple thumb and he will be better equipped to understand the complex filtration and temperature system which comes with a fish tank. I hope he knows about overfeeding small rodents. I hope he knows about the temperature requirements of iguanas. Because I thought I did. I had done all the research, spend meticulous hours adjusting and readjusting the living conditions for my various pets (and mind you I was not a little kid at the time, I was in college). I would check water alkalinity and even make sure there were enough bubbles. I may have even counted the grains of sand at the bottom of the tank. All for nothing. My fish never made it to the end of the week. My mice passed out and died. I never had a bird, but if I had, it probably would have suffered a similar fate. Which is why I am terrified of my children’s pets.
How do you feel about pets your children brought home?P.S. I had to amend this post, because my husband brought it to my attention that I did not specify that after stating my mice passed out I did not follow up with their untimely death. Poor little Blackie passed out and died.