Category Archives: parenting

Easy Pina Colada Recipe

After watching Blues Clues for the umpteenth time today (which is, in my opinion, one of the most annoying shows on the planet), the kids are finally asleep, at least for now, and it is time for mommy to unwind. Unfortunately this mommy has the toothbrush song stuck in her head.
I know kids learn better through song, but does every TV show have to have a song about brushing our teeth? And do they all have to be so catchy?
It is about 95 degrees outside, and a cold, smooth pina colada sounds really nice. I wanted to share this amazing, and very easy recipe with you. Maybe after you get your kids to bed, you can try it.
3 oz. Light Rum
3 tbsp. Coconut Cream
3 tbsp. Crushed Pineapple
Put everything in a blender with 2 cups crushed ice. Blend on high until it looks smooth.

Can I Discipline My Neighbor’s Children?

9 p.m. is not that late. I know this. But I also know that when you are trying to get small children to sleep, and you will be up at around 5:30 the next morning to get these children ready and then go to work, 9 p.m. might as well be midnight.
Children play, run around, scream, shriek, etc. I know this. But I don’t know why our neighbors allow their small children to do this in their back yard at 9 p.m. on a regular basis. These children are screaming at the top of their lungs as if they were playing poolside on a Saturday afternoon. It is Tuesday night on a small cul-de-sac where we are not the only people who have to be at work the next day (I am currently on maternity leave, so I don’t technically qualify as one of these people, but maternity leave is not forever, and our new neighbors are wearing out their welcome, along with my nerves).
My husband has gone over and spoken with them about it, but that was a temporary solution. They are not violating any noise ordinance laws, just the laws of common decency. Is it okay to continuously go over there to ask them to monitor their children’s noise levels? And why aren’t these small children in bed by now?

What would you do?

Moms Make The Best Employees

In the few days since my son’s birth I have learned to multitask in ways I did not even know existed. I can do things one handed, often left handed (I was unaware I could be ambidextrous). I thought my daughter was a handful. I was very wrong. Two children, sixteen months apart, is the challenge of a lifetime. A challenge I am very ecstatic to take on.
Aside from multitasking, and functioning without proper limbs most of the time, I have also learned how to prioritize, act calmly under pressure, and field multiple calls while attempting to complete a third task in the background.
I realize I am the perfect candidate for most jobs. Now, I don’t mean me personally, but mothers like me. You do not need multiple children. Just one will suffice to teach you most of the above. However, multiples turn you into a pro overnight.
I know nowadays most mothers are in fact members of the work force. But for those returning to work after an extended period of time there is some stigma attached to having had that work gap. Honestly, just the aforementioned skills alone make these women more than capable to maintain offices, and pursue most other desk jobs. And what they don’t know, they can easily learn. In fact, most stay at home moms I know have more office skills than some executive secretaries.
So what is the big deal? Why are these women shunned in the work force so often? Have you experienced this?