Category Archives: pictures

Wordless Wednesday

Duck chocolates. Very delicious.
They put a heart right where the opener goes. What are they trying to say?
Took the kids to the mall on Sunday. They were very patient while I looked around.
I got to go shopping, and then they got to play. Ducky still loves his lions.
I know it is not obvious in the pictures, but all of these things were moving, so they got to ride them.
Then they were patient again for round two of shopping.
Then play time again!

Wordless Wednesday

Gigi… I know several of you want to see Mephy… unfortunately he won’t sit still long enough for me to take a picture.
Gigi, however, has no such problems.
Went out on Saturday for a friend’s birthday. I am sure most of you know I have a weakness for fancy cheese and crackers. This table made me very happy.
She put flowers in my drink. It was delicious *and* pretty. In fact, we never actually made it to the bar, and all of us spent the evening in her boyfriend’s apartment. Thank you Josh for being such a nice host and tolerating all the cheese eating in your vegan apartment.
Gina didn’t want me to know I was being photographed, so she kept the flash off. I actually like the way it turned out.
I am not sure who took this picture, so I don’t know why it is in sepia. And despite what several people thought, I was not trying to kiss the creepy alligator (crocodile?) thing… that was my “ooooh… what is that?” face.
New hair! Sort of… New shade of hair?
Ally baking cupcakes at daycare.

Westley Again

I was going to wait until tonight to post pictures, but since my friend’s birthday thing isn’t until 9:30 p.m. I haven’t the slightest clue when I will be home, or how tired I will be.As is I am pretty tired, having run errands all day, but I did stop in to see Tanya and her new baby for a bit, and these pictures are seriously too cute not to post immediately.

Holding little Westley… as he tried nursing me.

And then sleeping soundly….
If the Lock an Key is as good as their website says (which isn’t much), then there will be another little photo journal later. Or I might just come home and go to sleep. We’ll see.