Category Archives: pregnancy

40 Weeks of Pregnancy – Week 10

Happy Monday Everyone! This week I am exploring Week 10 of pregnancy. If you want to see any of the other weeks leading up to this one, scroll to the bottom. If you are pregnant, no one can blame you for your short term memory loss. If are not pregnant, I am sure you are very busy and just forgot. So, for this week’s edition…
Week 10
Congratulations, you have made it a quarter of the way through!
Even though I have done this before I don’t necessarily remember when exactly different things started happening. But this particular week I remember quite vividly. Especially when I was carrying Munchie. Due to all the hormones, at this point, your gums wills start swelling. Mine were a disaster, but I also have terrible tooth problems. You probably will not have anything close to as bad, but nevertheless you may experience some soreness, especially on your top gums. When you brush, they may bleed. They are swollen, look bad, and bleed a lot, but they generally don’t hurt.
Which brings us to nose bleeds. Because pregnancy causes higher blood pressure, and because you actually start producing more blood, you may also end up having regular nose bleeds, or at the least blood in your inner nose so it will be there when you blow your nose. This, much like the swollen gums, does not hurt. It is weird, it may freak you out, but it is pretty innocuous. If there is excessive blood, talk to your doctor. Since I don’t know how to quantify “excessive” in this case, and everyone is different, just talk to your doctor.
A few other things you may want to discuss with your doctor are your bowel movements. Or lack thereof. Not fun. I am sure he will recommend extra fiber before anything else. Eat more fiber rich fruit and veggies. Even if I am medically wrong at least this piece of advice can only do you good. So for once I am going to tell you to just take my advice without discussing it with any kind of professional beforehand. Relish it because it doesn’t happen too often.
More fun to come next week! Until then, feel free to peruse earlier weekly posts.
If you want to catch up:

40 Weeks of Pregnancy – Week 9

Good morning! If you are new, you have just stepped into the middle of a pregnancy series, where every Monday I outline a new part of pregnancy. This week, I am looking at week 9. If you want to see the previous weeks, scroll down and take a peak.
Week 9
This week, you are even more tired. If this is your first, take advantage of all your free time and take lots of naps. You may think you have no free time. Trust me, you do. You will often look back fondly at “all that free time I had back then.” If this is not your first, you still need to take a nap.
If you haven’t gotten it already, heartburn may start happening around now. I personally didn’t get heart burn until the third trimester, so basically you can get it at any time. If it happens, it is normal. My doctor said I can take Zantac.  But he told me this too late, so basically I just dealt with it. Talk to your doctor, see what he says you are okay to take.
Even though I was not showing at this point during my first pregnancy, and barely showing during my second, I started feeling lower back pain right around now. I found warm baths to be very helpful. At the very least they would relax me for a little while.
Speaking for relaxing, at this point a lot of moms start to worry about their plans for baby. Will they continue working? Is that even an option? Who will take care of the baby when you go back to work? How do you pick the best day care?  And one of the most stressful, what do you name the baby?
And with that, I am going to wrap up this installment. See you next week! And in the meantime, feel free to look up previous weeks.
If you want to catch up:


40 Weeks Of Pregnancy – Week 8

Welcome back. I am glad to see you are all still here, following along. Which means a whole lot of you are either pregnant or thinking about it. Or just curious. Either way, I hope you are enjoying. For this week, I present…
Week 8
If this is your first baby, you probably aren’t showing yet. If it is not your first baby, you may start pouching out a bit. I know with Ducky I was showing around this time and got much bigger than I was with Munchie. Ducky was in fact a lot bigger than Munchie was, but mostly this had to do with my stomach muscles. After your first baby they are no longer as tight, and never really will be (I currently boast a six pack, but should I get preggers again, I will be showing really quick).
However, even for those of you not showing, your waist line will be slightly increasing. Even if you are on the kind of diet that should be not be yielding these types of results, your body is holding onto nutrients and fat, getting ready to carry the baby full term, and then to produce milk afterwards. All this extra work requires those fat stores.
Some of you may have told the world over about your bundle of joy. Others of you may still be holding out until after the first trimester is over. Either way, you are okay. When people find out, they will be thrilled for you. If you are one of the few holding out on telling people, take this time to enjoy the quiet because once you are showing, there is no going back.
Otherwise life is pretty uneventful as far as pregnancy is concerned. The same stuff which was happening to you a few weeks ago, is still happening now. Nothing new to report. If you want to see what has been happening in the life of a pregnant woman, sift through previous weeks, and come back next week for an update.
If you want to catch up: