Category Archives: pregnancy

40 Weeks of Pregnancy – Week 31

Hello there, and welcome to Week 31 of my week by week pregnancy guide. If you want to refresh your memory of the previous weeks, scroll to the bottom.
Week 31
Right around now you are going to start feeling shortness of breath. This is nothing to worry about for the most part. If you are really having difficulties, contact your doctor.
Another bit that may or may not concern you is your calcium depletion. I personally never felt it, even though it was probably happening to me, so you too may have no idea about it. But as your baby’s bones harden and become the structures which will shortly support your baby, the calcium needed in his bones will come directly from you. If you are carrying multiples this is more of a concern than if you just have one in there. For the most part it is not a huge deal, but just something to keep in mind.
Are you waddling around yet? If so, it is not so much an imbalance issue, but has more to do with your pelvis widening in expectation of giving birth. I didn’t waddle so much with Munch, but with Ducky, I was looking like, well, a duck. Hubby thought it was hilarious. I didn’t.
If you haven’t already, now would definitely be a good time to firmly decide how you are going to give birth. And then make the proper arrangements. I was so glad I had gone ahead and done it. With Munch I was preregistered at the hospital, so when I went into labor I walked in and they had everything ready to go. With Ducky, I had obviously preregistered again, but unfortunately the hospital lost my paperwork so I was able to experience what it would be like if I hadn’t been preregistered. If they had had me fill out any more paperwork I would have given birth in the lobby.
When you establish where you want to give birth, you will also want to figure out how you want to give birth. Not every place has the same options, so you will definitely want to make sure that you pick a place that will allow you the most freedom. For example, if you want to use an epidural(which I highly recommend), you should be aware that some places don’t have them. And that is not something you want to find out about when you are actually in labor and about to give birth.
I have also known of some couples who wanted to do it in a non traditional manner, and have a water birth. It sounds pretty interesting but again, not something offered at every facility.
Aside from induced comfort like an epidural, or different types of birth, there are other factors you may also want to take into account. I had read that walking during early labor makes it easier later on, and also helps you feel better. Sure enough, it did all of the above for me. And my hospital actually condoned walking, letting me wander around the hallways of the maternity ward to my heart’s content. I have heard of cases where that wasn’t so, and the woman was confined to her bed from the second she set foot in the hospital.
Essentially, since you will be giving birth in a matter of weeks, you want to make sure you are tying all the loose ends so there won’t be any last moment panicking at the end, especially since there is a chance you could go into labor earlier than you had planned.
What are you deciding on? Any special preferences in mind?
If you want to catch up…  

Week 15 

Week 23 

40 Weeks of Pregnancy

Welcome to Week 30 of my week by week pregnancy guide. You are almost there! If you want to catch up and look at previous weeks, scroll to the bottom.
Week 30
This week nothing new really happens. You are still feeling everything as before. But as the baby gets bigger, he will be pressing down on your bladder more. Which means you will be going to the bathroom much more frequently. I remember I was going to the bathroom every fifteen minutes. Not only was it really annoying to have to find a bathroom as soon as I got anywhere, but then I would feel as though I just drank a gallon only to find I had about two drops inside of me. Fifteen minutes later, repeat.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for this. There are no positions you can get into to alleviate this. There are no magic herbs. The only real cure is giving birth. On the plus side, there are only a few more weeks to go.
You may start feeling yucky at this point. You are tired of being pregnant, and you are excited to meet your little one. Not to mention you have been stuck in a wardrobe vacuum for the last several months. Most women are hesitant to buy new clothes at this point. You will only need them for a few more weeks. I got a couple of extra shirts, and then accessorized. You can’t have too many accessories, especially since you can still wear them afterwards. The shopping can make you feel better, and a little sprucing up can go a long way in the mood department. And at this point, you will need all the good mood you can get. When I told Hubby a few extra things will make me less cranky, his response was “I’ll drive!”
Have you picked out a name yet?
If you want to catch up…  

Week 15 

Week 23 

40 Weeks of Pregnancy – Week 29

It is Monday. And we are getting closer to the end of my week by week pregnancy guide. Which means we are getting closer to delivery time! If you want to catch up with previous weeks, scroll to the bottom.
Week 29
I am sorry to say this is one of the most uneventful weeks of pregnancy. The same stuff that you have been feeling and dealing with are still around, but nothing new is happening.
You may experience some sudden weight gain. Don’t worry, it just so happens your baby gains the most weight during these final months. I think it is because we were not meant to carry that much weight the entire time, so the longer before it has to come in, the less we have to support it. But I am not a doctor, so honestly I have no medical back up for my theory.
Even though it is terribly uncomfortable, and most women don’t do this, it is important to mention that at this point you should not lay on your back for extended periods of time, or at all. In doing so you can inadvertently compress the vena cava, which results in dizziness, nausea, and a possible reduction in blood flow to the placenta. I was the most comfortable laying on my left side, thus taking the pressure off the vena cava, the baby, my legs, and my back. Try to find a position that works for you and is not detrimental to your health and baby.
By now your baby is probably kicking and boxing like a champion. He may even stretching. Ouch! Ducky loved to stretch, and it always made me wince. However, as much as it could hurt at times, I always loved feeling my baby move around inside.
What has been your favorite part about pregnancy so far?
If you want to catch up…  

Week 15 

Week 23