Category Archives: pregnant

4 Common Myths About Inducing Labor

If you are pregnant, or have ever been pregnant, or even know anyone who has been pregnant, than you have probably heard one of these myths. These items or activities supposedly induce labor. I am only a few days away from giving birth, and if any of these were true, I would be in labor right now instead of writing this. And last time when I was pregnant with my daughter I would have given birth a lot sooner as well.


Basil is a staple in our house. Very few dinners we consume do not contain this herb. I am still waiting for the contractions to start.


I walk an average of four miles a day, half of which is at an incline. Again, I have not induced anything more than perhaps some toned legs. As toned as legs could get when you are nine months pregnant and retaining more water than you ever ingested. Is that even possible?


This one is not so much an induction myth as a myth about premature babies caused by mothers drinking coffee while expecting. Regardless, according to my previous post, my baby should have been born early. As before, I am not saying caffeine has zero negative side affects, it just appears that early delivery is not one of them.


The specifics of this activity are really not for public disclosure. All I can say is that I should have popped this kid out last week.

Disclaimer: The sample size of my findings is one. I am the only subject used in this, um, study. If any of the above happens to help you induce labor, please share. If anything else helped you, or anyone you know, along, I would love to hear about that too.

Is There Such A Thing As Daddy Brain?

I was at the grocery store the other day, racing down the aisles, attempting to grab everything while my daughter was still enjoying her mid morning nap in her carrier, only to realize as I approached the check out counter that I forgot my purse at home. So this was basically a dry run. I put the groceries back (yes, I actually walked around the store returning all the items where they belong because I am neurotic like that), and then headed home. At least when I went to the store later that day I was able to shop in half the time; I didn’t have to search out the special marinade, or try to decide which type of bread we will be trying this week.

I know I have mommy brain a lot, and right now I am doubly blessed with mommy brain and pregnancy brain. Double whammy. I have been privy to some very annoying behavior on my part lately, mostly concerned with forgetting key things at the most inopportune times. Recounting the last few months, with all their whimsy, I wonder, does daddy brain exist?

I can’t help but wonder, does my husband also run around half the time not remembering where he is going, or why he was going there in the first place? Does he leave his keys on the kitchen counter and then stand in front of his car wondering how to get into it?

I have not observed any such behavior from him, at least not to any extremes. He claims to be frazzled every once in a while, but with such nonchalance I am not sure I believe it, despite the fact that he takes care of and spends time with our daughter just as much as me. The way our little Munchie runs the gamut of, well, everything, I would think he should be in the same zombie state as me. Either he is really good at covering it up, or mommy brains is really just for mommies.

What do you think? If you are a man have you experienced any of this? Do you know anyone who has?

Abortion Is Not Selfish

Abortion is not selfish. There I have said it, and now let the lynching begin. But before the virtual stoning commences, you have to read why, along with my disclaimer.
I am a mother of two (the second one is scheduled to pop out any day now). I personally could not envision my life without Munchie and Ducky. I am not even sure I could go through with an abortion.
But there are a lot of people out there who should not have children, either because they are bad parents, or simply because they did not want children to being with and these children will now grow up being resented and/or neglected. Which basically means these are bad parents. Regardless of how you look at it, these children will have deprived childhoods, and this will ultimately affect them the rest of their lives.
Essentially these mothers who are having abortions are saving their unborn children from years of emotional, and in a lot of cases, physical, anguish. Which is the responsible thing to do. Why bring a child into the world that you are going to neglect or resent?
What about adoption? Well, here is another question. Aren’t there enough children in this world who need to be adopted into loving homes? Isn’t there enough starvation, poverty and neglect? Do we need to add more children to the mix?
I agree that abortion should not be the option used in lieu of birth control, and there is a fine line between full on acceptance of the practice and outright misuse. However, before condemning anyone and everyone who has ever had to go through with it, put yourself in their shoes, realize that it was probably a very difficult situation and decision, and the outcome is most likely what is/was best for the unborn child. The mother is not being selfish by looking out for herself. She understands herself better than anyone else, and knows she is not the right person for the job.
How do you feel about abortion?