Category Archives: pregnant

Is It Ever Okay To Love One Child Over Another?

As a mother you are not supposed to have a favorite child. You are supposed to love all of them equally. I love my daughter more. Way more. But first, let me preface this with the fact that I am eight months pregnant, so my son has not yet been born. I have not yet met him. I have not yet held him (except for the fact that he lives inside of me).

We have a name picked out, and I am already contemplating what he will be like. However I feel far more love towards my daughter than when I think of my unborn son and this feels unnatural. Does it make me a bad mother? I keep telling myself that once he is born I will be overwhelmed with love like I was the first time I held my daughter. As he becomes a presence outside of myself the proper emotions will come effortlessly.

Of course I hope all of these things, but then I also worry. What if none of this happens? Don’t get me wrong. I love my son as well, and hope to be the best mother to him I can. I am not saying I feel nothing towards him, but just not as much as I think I should. Will I be one of those mothers who favors one child over another the rest of their lives? How will this affect my children? Will I overcompensate for loving my daughter more by showing my son more attention? Or just the opposite?

Sometimes it is enough for children to merely think that one is the favorite for the idea to affect them greatly. The child who thinks of themselves as the less favored tends to act out more, and later on in life carry a giant chip on their shoulder. Even though this has not yet happened and may change, I cannot help but feel responsible and guilty.

Do you have a favorite child?

5 Things never to Tell A Pregnant Woman

I am pregnant. I am hormonal. There are certain things I don’t want to hear. This is not to say any of these things are necessarily ill meant, or negative by any means. However they still hit a sore spot.
1. “You carry so well! Look how tiny you are!” In comparison to what? I am almost 8 months pregnant, and even though I may be considered tiny by most standards, I currently feel like a beached whale. I generally nod and smile at this one. I understand they mean well. I really do.
2. “Wow, you have gotten so much bigger!” This is the opposite of the one above. Basically, don’t comment on a pregnant woman’s size, regardless of what it may be. I know I have gotten bigger. Trust me, I know. There is no need to state the obvious. If I wasn’t pregnant would you say the same thing, say around holiday time?
3. “Are you going to eat all of that?” Yes.
4. “How is the baby doing?” I don’t know. Unless I just came from an ultrasound, I do not have any way of knowing what or how the baby is doing any more than I can tell you how my liver is working. Now I am forced to smile and tell you the baby is doing great. Hopefully.
5. After telling someone what gender your baby is (presuming you know), “Is that what you want?” Does it matter? Do I get a choice?

Diary Of A Sexy Mother

Everywhere I look it seems someone has a problem with mothers or expecting mothers looking, acting, or feeling sexy. Newsflash: we are still women. Sure we now have added responsibilities, and granted, some things really should not be worn in public (whether you are a mother or not), but the reality of it is, we are still the fun loving, sexy creatures we were before children.The saddest part is that most of the people conveying displeasure with how moms dress are women themselves. Some of them are mothers as well. Would it be more suitable if new mothers were only allowed to wear potato sack looking ensembles?

I see women like Rachel Zoe and Elle Macpherson and consider them an inspiration. Each day I take the time to make myself look and feel attractive. In a couple of months, after I give birth to my second child, you better believe I am getting right back into my skinny jeans! As for my high heels and flirty tops, they never went away. Sure, my feet are swollen, restricting some of my options, and I have a considerable baby bump, but so does Natalie Portman. It hasn’t stopped her from looking stylish on the red carpet.

I am awe struck at how beautiful Ivanka Trump looked in her recent Bazaar photo shoot. Some considered her skanky and questioned her audacity to don such apparel while obviously pregnant. I see it as a testament to herself as a woman. She is emphasizing her feminine qualities, the very same qualities that aided her in becoming a mother to begin with. Mothers were women, are women, and should continue being seen as such and feeling as such.