Category Archives: shopping


Today was just one of those days that was just meant to be. I originally arbitrarily picked today as a shopping day because I needed a new dress and I happen to have Friday’s off, unbeknownst to me that it happens to be the first day of a major seasonal sale at just about every store at the mall. I found an amazing black dress demure enough for a wedding, but lovely enough for anything else I want to do in it. Plus, it was on sale, so having saved way more money than I had anticipated I also bought another dress that just as easily converts from office to whatever. And even with buying two dresses I spent less than I was expecting to spend on one. I am happy.

Prior to going to the mall I also found out about two other things I had never heard of. While both are interesting, one is far more relevant to me. Tanya wanted to go to a specialty breast feeding store. Two kids, and I had no clue about this. Considering I will not be having any more children, I have no need for this type of store. But if any of you are interested, Google the concept and I am sure there is something like this in your area. I wish I had known about this, um, four years ago. It is actually a pretty useful store.

Then, as Tanya and I were walking to get lunch, I saw something called a Dry Bar. I found the name rather strange, so I looked them up (as opposed to just walking in and figuring it out right then). Apparently dry bars are places where they give you champagne while blow drying your hair. I was intrigued. A hair dryer *and* champagne. It sounds like a great idea. What more can a woman ask for?


The Weekend Review and Pacifier Business

This week I had a five day weekend. It so coincided that Monday was a holiday, I generally don’t work Fridays, and I needed to take a day off (Tuesday) because I had accrued too many vacation days (which is what happens when I never use my vacation days except around the winter holidays). Apparently I have over two months of vacation time saved up. 

While it was extremely relaxing  to have five straight days off (seriously I could get used to this), I managed to find ways to fill up my day.
For instance, this weekend I took the meaning of marathon shopping to a whole new level and direction. As opposed to the traditional idea where I would spend eight hours at the mall, I spent only about twenty minutes shopping and several hours walking twelve miles to and from the mall. I had the kids with me in the stroller and they both seemed very amused. I also believe they took several naps along the way. However, they did not nap at the mall, which might have prolonged the actual time I spent shopping. Perhaps that is for the best.
I too took several naps throughout my long weekend. I think that was my favorite part. After spending the last couple of weeks operating on an average of four hours of sleep per night, this was very exciting. I felt like a cat.
However, I still have school. In fact I will be at school all five days this week. That is what happens when you take so many classes that all of your professors’s office hours overlap with other professors’s classes. Thank goodness most of them are kind enough to accommodate this. One professor was so nice she met with me at ten thirty at night after my last class got out.
I enjoy school for the most part. Even when I gripe about it, academia as a whole makes me happy. Except for this exam thing I have to take next month. Either I am slow, or it hasn’t been fully explained. One more month and for better or worse it will be over. I know, let’s play a game! Let’s estimate how many panic attacks I will have between now and then. I promise, it will be fun!
And now I am going to completely jump topics and talk about my son. Really, there was no seamless way of doing that. Blatantly announcing the topic change was the best I could do. So as of Friday Ducky has had his pacifier taken away. He has gotten to an age where he really shouldn’t have one. According to me. According to his pediatrician I should have taken it away months ago. I am just not that mean. And I am totally surprised by the results. I was anticipating sleepless screaming nights (because Munchie was very upset when I took hers away), but he actually slept better. He has not looked for it or asked for it once. I am simultaneously confused and delighted. If I had known it would be this easy I would have done it when the pediatrician told me to. Maybe I should have known better.
When you have kids something very interesting happens. First of all, you realize there are no such things as parenting skills. You don’t have any. You get them as time goes on, and by the time you have mastered a task, your kid has moved on to something new that you have no clue about. Your skill is now obsolete. For those of your with multiple children, you have some skills. Some things are the same from kid to kid, but, for the most part, your kids are different, so whatever one of them taught you is non-applicable for the second, and so forth.
For someone who has two kids, I am in no way qualified to give you any kind of advice. Except for suggestions and anecdotes of what worked for me. So, if your kid is four years old and is still sucking on a pacifier, well, one day they will figure out there is a piece of plastic in their mouth. If you are not ready to take it away from them, then there is no reason you should have to. If there is anything I can assure you of is that your kid will, of their own volition, give up the pacifier.
Also, most things that parents freak out about will actually correct themselves. A lot of people forget that we are genetically encoded for certain things to happen. For example, your kid will walk and talk. If they don’t, it has nothing to do with anything you did. Speech and motor skills develop separately from outside sources. They may be expedited at times, but for the most part they are the stable mechanisms of child behavior. Meaning you can’t possibly screw up your child to the point they won’t function properly. They will. Although I didn’t learn any specifics from having two children, as in I can’t tell you what the best method of (fill in the blank) is, because I don’t know your child individually, I can tell you that generally speaking, as long as you do the best you can, your child will turn out fine. Really.
Even when you leave their pacifier in for three months too long.

Shopping and a Kitty

On Saturday, just a few days before Christmas, I decided I was going to get some shopping done. Not Christmas shopping, mind you. No, there were a few things I needed, and obviously they couldn’t wait. I had originally planned a quiet day with the kids to rest up for all the activity of this weekend. Several friends are in town, and all of their families are having people over. Some of these people I have known almost my entire life, and their parents of course wanted to see my children. Last time some of them saw me I was pregnant with Munchie, so it has been a while.
This relaxing Saturday afternoon was in the making when my mother called. Apparently over the last few months she has gotten used to having the kids for a day each weekend. I told her I wasn’t really planning on it this week, but she will see them for Christmas in a few days. Nope.
I took the kids to my parent’s house on Saturday mid morning and began playing with them in the back yard. Since I have been dropping the kids off and heading on my merry way, my parents wanted to know why I was still there. They love me dearly, but I was hogging the children. Um… well then. Since I pretty much always have a book or two in my giant purse I headed off to Starbucks thinking I was going to get some reading done. Starbucks a few days before Christmas is not the place to get any reading done. But there was a mall just down the street. And I did need some things. So that is how I ended up going shopping amidst all the madness. I did find almost everything I was looking for. Except a new pair of jeans and one other thing. Still working on that.
With some more time to kill I ended up at Tanya’s house and we went grocery shopping for the brunch she was having the next day. Which was absolutely delicious by the way. While at her house, Duncan, her adorable kitty, was totally fascinated with my coat, and for such a long period of time that I, Tanya, and her husband all took pictures of the cuteness. Duncan was practically trying to climb into my coat, but could not figure out how. I used the best picture as the header for this post. What would Christmas be without cute kitty pictures? It would not be as good, that is for sure.
Enjoy the holidays everyone!