Category Archives: worse

Which Is Worse?

I had an email exchange with one of my friends, and he was telling me just how much he misses his wife. Due to school they live states away. He is in Illinois, and she is in Florida. They interact on a daily basis via different methods of communication, but he misses her physical presence. This isn’t the first time they have lived apart because of school, but it never got easier. In fact, it is getting harder.

It makes me wonder what is worse… wanting someone who is too far away and relegating an entire relationship to sending pictures and talking/emailing throughout the day, or wanting someone just as badly that you can’t ever have again and have no contact with. Does the daily interaction make it easier in terms of coping with the idea that you will eventually be able to hold the other person, or does it just serve as a reminder for your current condition? Does having no interaction with the other person at least alleviate hope? Or do both situations end in “what if” scenarios?

What if you could see them? What if you could hold them, hug them, and kiss them? What if you could feel them next to you? What if you could wake up next to them in the morning? What if you could curl up into them?

I guess it doesn’t really matter, because in either situation, you can’t.