Category Archives: writing

What Is A Blogger?

Last night I was sitting on the couch, fiddling with my phone. Hubby looked at me and asked what I was doing. I told him I was blogging. His response: “On your phone? How can you see what you are typing?”
A lot of people don’t understand some nuances of blogging. Yes, I am a blogger, but a large part of what I do does not entail writing. Between all the sites I contribute to I try to have at least 5 posts per week, which does in fact take time and lots of typing. But blogging is not just about me facing my computer and spewing forth whatever ideas I may have at the time. Although I do admit that that does happen quite a bit.
Blogging is a conversation. With others. Because otherwise I would just be talking to myself. And that is no fun. To participate in this conversation I have to see what others are saying. So basically I read a lot of other awesome blogs all day and call it research. Best. Job. Ever.
Then, once I have read what other people are saying, I am ready to put in my two cents worth. Also, as mentioned above, sometimes I read what everyone else is talking about, and I don’t get it. So I just kind of go into my own little corner and write about totally random business. But I had good intentions. And you know what they say about those.
So I have written my blog. And I posted it. Then hubby points out all the typos and grammar errors. I honestly wish there was a system where I could get him to point all those out *before* I post publicly. But since I have all of two followers, the chances of anyone noticing are pretty slim. If I ever become famous maybe I will work out some sort of system where that happens so I am not making a fool of myself in front of everyone. Not that my blog doesn’t do that for me anyhow, but I would rather be remembered for other follies than “poor English skills.” I know, maybe I will start editing my own stuff. Or ask hubby to do it before I post. I like the second option better.
See? All sorts of work has gone into blogging already, and I am not even done. Alright, so my post now looks decent enough to really present to the world, so I have to network to get it viewed. Sure, part of networking is posting the link to my stuff on Twitter and Facebook. But no one likes being spammed with nothing but links all day. I honestly try not to just do that very often, but I have been guilty of it in the past. Not to mention so many people say interesting things on Twitter and Facebook I can’t help getting caught up in the conversations. I call this step being a Networking Maven. Hubby calls it Tweeting all day.
Blogging is much more than just writing a few posts. So yes, I write. A lot. But an even larger part of what I do is building an online presence. Meaning I stand in front of my computer yelling “I am here! I am here!” Oh, is that not how computers work? See! I constantly need to tweak my system and find better ways of communicating with people. Because that is really the essence of blogging. Communication.
And spending a lot of time doing absolutely nothing but calling it work.
P.S. I am sure some of you may have noticed that the cute squirrel picture I am using for this post has absolutely nothing to do with the content. That is yet another facet of blogging, looking up cute pictures online.

Stuff! Like The Magazine, Except Way Better

I have had crazy writer’s block lately, so in my incapacitated state, I have not done a lot . However, I did a little, and here it is. For your viewing pleasure.
Stuff I Pinned. I am putting it at the top of the list this time. Because these pretty pictures are better than a lot of my writing right now.
There is something going around. And this can help.
If you have any great topic ideas for me, share in the comments. 

42 Boring Things About Me

Aunt Becky from Mommy Wants Vodka did this, and I thought it was pretty cool. Except I can’t come up with 100 things, so here are 42. And apparently I can’t count either (keep reading and you will understand).

1.       I have two kids.
2.       I am married.
3.       I am crazy clean, meaning I clean like crazy. It is like anorexia, except with dirt instead of food, but the control issues are still there.
4.       This is a conversation I had with my husband the other night after I got our son to bed:
Me: “I hope he stays down.”
Hubby: “How long?”
Me: “Until tomorrow…”
Hubby: “Why?”
Me: “Um… why do I want our son to sleep through the night? Are you seriously asking me this?”
5.       I was a blond for many, many years. I was a brunette for about five seconds before I realized it really does not suit my complexion. I am/have been a red head for about four years. I love red the best.
6.       But I will always be a blond at heart.
7.       I love blogging.
8.       I get blogger’s block.
9.       Then I read other amazing blogs, and I get inspired.
10.   I love reading bloggers who are a billion times better than me… it gives me something to aspire to.
11.   I cannot live without coffee. If you saw me in the morning, you would totally understand what I mean.
12.   I enjoy being pregnant.
13.   I have a lot of friends. I am still not sure how that happened.
14.   I love grocery shopping. Don’t ask.
15.   Sometimes I write blog posts and I delete them because I realize they suck and no one wants to read them. This one can probably make that list.
16.   I will write for money. Just ask.
17.   I don’t really understand how social networking works, but apparently I am good at it. Huh?
18.   Almond milk kind of creeps me out. I have this visual of an almond getting milked…
19.   I have a favorite child. I am not telling anyone which one.
20.   I love pink. But my favorite color is burgundy.
21.   I secretly want to quit my day job and become a wedding planner.
22.   I love baby showers.
23.   I love planning baby showers.
24.   I like to watch Jeopardy and play along.
25.   I am completely addicted to trail mix.
26.   I love decorating cup cakes.
27.   I am terrible at decorating cup cakes, but it doesn’t mean I will stop.
28.   I have a ridiculous amount of shoes. Think about the most shoes you have seen in one room aside from a store. Yeah, I have more than that.
29.   I love big, gaudy jewelry. I know it is tacky. I know it is loud. I love it.
30.   I am about as subtle as a train wreck.
31.   I like nice cars.
32.   I am still afraid of the dark.
33.   One of my favorite places in the world is Stockholm. I have never been there.
34.   The only thing I liked about high school was the grades I got.
35.   I am short, so those high heels I wear are totally necessary.
36.   My husband has a thing for short women. I think.
37.   I like to get all done up, dressed up, etc. and then go to Starbucks or the local grocery store.
38.   This has been the most difficult post I have written in a long time.
39.   I try to be funny, but a lot of people don’t get my sarcasm.
40.   People take me seriously. I am not sure why.
41.   Google is mad at me because other people took me seriously.
42.   Ending sentences in prepositions is where it’s at.
43.   Sometimes I amuse myself, and no one else. And that is okay.44.   I love ellipses…
45.   I meant to write only 42 things because 42 is my favorite number.
46.   I guess you get four bonus boring facts!